jueves, 12 de julio de 2012

Spoken Words: Simply Me

Simply me

And this is me
simply me
I am the woman who felt betrayed by my own shadow
who became a pitiful crack between the lines of a silent tango
I am a ladylike lady that when the saints go marching down 
I cry my soul out loud
and my voice was shut down
because hell wanted my body down 
This is me 
truly me
I am the one that sat in middle of the street waiting for something 
or I should say, anything?
or nothing, maybe?
I'm the one who stand still in front of her nostalgia 
pleasantly, mute, still, dead
trying to forgive the sins that are raping her forehead 
trying to fulfill the needs of my soul and the empty cave between my legs
trying to forget the pain that is pounding in the conscience of my flesh
This is me
only me
A woman that only wants to be free 

Viento Serena

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